Thursday, 20 December 2012

Merry Christmas from Lisa Vertudaches

Merry Christmas From Lisa Vertudaches! Please enjoy this short animation I made for my friends, family and clients for 2012!

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Doing everything, all the time.

It's been ages since my last blog post. Crazy times. Uni is finishing up in a couple of weeks. I'm also doing a 3D animation course through CDWstudios, which is amazing. Trying to write a thesis proposal and project proposal has left little time for fun.

Finishing up with uni has had my mind in a bit of a daze. It's been pretty hard to concentrate on structured writing, with the thought of the real world looming over my head... Sure has been a crazy year. Can't believe how much new info I have fit in my head, pretty sure I've pushed some old stuff out.

Projects that I have recently finished up that I had a great time working on are the 'Got me a beard' music video for 'The Beards.' Chris Edser oversaw this project, it is his gem, so check out his site heeeere. This was an awesome animation job to be a part of. Working with a bunch of super inspirational people, learning new things and drinking lots of coffee. I started off colouring the other animators shots, then I got to animate some smaller characters, and finished up with a few whole scenes that I got to animate, under the direction of all the other animators.

Anyway, check out the music video here:

I also finished up on this super fun project:

I designed the marquee for an arcade machine box. It involved recreating existing retro characters in my own style. It was a great project. I was happy, the client was happy. I got paid. Life is good.

I have a showreel up on Vimeo to checkout as well. I'm really happy with it. It has some of, what I consider to be, my best animation work.

OH! big news. I got shortlisted in the QANTAS Spirit Of Youth Awards animation category. I don't know HOW. haha. I got shortlisted alongside some really brilliant animators. I am really honoured to be regarded so highly. It's been quite exciting. Although I didn't take out the top prize, it's such a huge reward to be shortlisted for something like that. I don't know, maybe I am good?

I have entered my animation work in AgIdeas Newstar competition too. The top 30 will be announced soon. So fingers crossed for that. Last shot at taking that one out, since I will no longer be a student after this year, EVER again. haha, well, not in a full time capacity anyway.

That pretty much sums up what I've been doing over the last 3 months. I better get back to it.

Friday, 13 April 2012

Koala Love

The above is an illustration I created for a series of postcards to represent Australian animals. I love Koalas. They're adorable <3 But they make the weirdest sounds!! Like a monster up in my tree. Please respect my image. If you would like a copy, please let me know.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

so much procrastination.

Procrastination is going to kill me this year at Uni.
Why, I'm doing it right now!
I have a brief due tomorrow and I've been playing 'Nyan Cat Jump' most of the day, watching Dr.Phil and updating my Facebook Page. Now I'm procrastinating by writing a blog about procrastinating.

Anyone got any handy tips to stay on task? I really should have this down pat by now...

Monday, 20 February 2012

Deviant Monster T-shirt Design

vote here

This is a dear little Monster named Oliver.

All he wants is to make friends. He's the friendliest monster you'll ever meet!

Give Oliver a vote, and he'll cherish your friendship always.

Painted in watercolours, then reduced to a 6 colour pallet in photoshop. Would make an adorable T-shirt in white or pastel blue.

I'd like to call myself a bit of a monster designer, so if you like monsters as much as I do, feel free to check out my illustration page  or check out my Etsy store  I'll have more monsters up for sale soon!

vote here

This entry features three monsters partying under a bed with the words "while you're asleep" written underneath, implying monsters like living under your bed for awesome parties!

I'd really appreciate your vote if you can spare a second! thanks again!

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Monster time


This is basil.
Basil says "Hi."
He is the first loveable monster to be featured in my Etsy store.
There will be more monsters to come!

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Etsy store open!!

Hello dear friends and followers!!!

So happy to announce I am an official seller on Etsy!!

click right  >>>>>>>>HERE<<<<<<<   to view my store!! I'm so incredibly excited! Currently I have an owl up for sale and some ice cream charms, but there is plenty more to come! It would be fantastic if you could share my page with friends who might be interested in my items!

Thanks again for your support guys! I will also be continuing my drawing challenge soon, now that I'm back from holidays!
